Shade Gardening
I live in Oak Park, next to the city of Royal Oak, both located in Oakland County. I’m sure you’ve guessed, I live in a giant, beautiful forest. We have trees here hundreds of years old, bigger than the ones you’ll find in many northern Michigan locations. Most of the original forest here was never logged. Don’t get me wrong. I know there is a need for construction lumber and toilet paper. Fortunately, we barely need any trees for newsprint and paper any longer due to computers and the internet - a great nature saving. I’m writing this today for the people who live with an abundance of shade in their yard. You have probably asked: “What vegetables and fruits can I grow in my shady yard?”. First, I want to warn you, if you have too much shade, very little will grow, even the plants I will describe. Photosynthesis requires light. It’s that plain and simple. If you have a shady yard with some light, you will be able ...