Deer Proof Plants
You may have had this experience: We bought two flats of Impatiens and spent the afternoon transplanting them into flower beds that were shady. They looked beautiful. We had hopes of enjoying their growth and blooms throughout the growing season. Well, we woke up the next morning to find all the Impatiens had been eaten down to the ground. Money and time wasted. I was pissed. Deer populations are spreading more and more into suburban areas, even urban areas. Friends of ours, who live in my childhood neighborhood near 8 mile and Woodward, Detroit, have deer that visit their yard. This is an inner ring suburb with lots of cars. The deer seem to find their way down the railroad tracks and then spread out into green areas in neighborhoods. It is fun to see the deer, but not fun to have them eat your plants. So what plants will the deer not eat? I want to discuss some vegetable plants not palatable to deer and then ment...