
Showing posts from November, 2022

The Miracle of Sweetness

                                      Miracle Berries on the Miracle Plant. (Photo: Hamale Lyman)   I recently ate a fruit which gave me a miraculous experience.    You might like to experience this miracle too. A few months ago, I visited the conservatory at the University of Michigan Matthaei Botanical Garden.  I always love encountering new plants.  On this day, one of the new plants I discovered was the miracle plant.  They named it miracle plant because when you eat the fruit, it changes sour into sweet.  The miracle plant ( Synsepalum dulcificum ) is a tropical plant native to West Africa.  It is a shrub that grows 6 to 15 feet tall.  The fruit is small, a little less than an inch, containing one seed.   It is also known as miracle fruit or miracle berry. I just had to try eating this fruit.  I went online and ordered a small q...